A long time ago, a few friends came together in the Milky Way galaxy to commiserate over the many roadblocks they had to traverse to execute a perfect event. Back then, the whole industry was still using pen and paper, unwieldy spreadsheets, or were reliant on CAD software … we may as well have been wearing flares or bell bottoms as we say in the US.
Food and wine flowed, but more importantly, ideas flowed, and in 2014, Allseated was launched. Focused on 2D floor and event planning, Allseated’s first product, Ops, quickly became the innovative leader in collaborative event planning for both the hospitality and corporate sectors with its down-to-the-millimeter accuracy.

As the demand for events exploded, so did the fierce competition for clients. While 2D layouts were precise and very easy to create, they fell slightly short in the “wow” factor. To cater to the need for an immersive experience, Allseated launched Vision in 2018 — a 3D dynamic layout tool (because who wants to work in static?). With Vision, customers could use 3D modeling or augmented Matterport digital twins to create their immersive experience. Event planning was now art.
As the pandemic turned the world upside down, we moved to meet customers’ needs and launched a virtual 3D event platform to enable people to continue to connect and engage — turbocharging event planning and visualization for all. Then, as the world settled into the new normal, we realized we needed to expand. In 2021, Allseated acquired easyRAUM, based in lovely Dusseldorf, Germany, which became the base of our EMEA operations.
In 2022, our pioneering spirit once again took flight. The industry was growing restless; the need to do more with space design was burgeoning, as was the need to solve some age-old gaps between sales and operations. Sustainability was a critical need for both vendors and clients, 3D was evolving, and new technologies like AI and AR/VR were creating significant opportunities to evolve.

Emboldened with over 5,000 customers and 500,000 new events a year under our belts, we decided to build a world where sales, marketing, operations, and clients live harmoniously. It was time to answer the questions that had plagued event and space management since the beginning of time: how are we going to win the business and deliver on the promises that Sales made, on time and on budget, while keeping the client blissfully happy?
The world needed a unified platform that enabled customers to align the showcasing, selling, designing, and planning of their spaces and events. A solution that allows customization that aligns with their growth plan. A platform that is extensible, scalable, and secure. A platform that bridges gaps instead of creating them, and provides a single source of truth, collaboration, and dynamic, on-demand capabilities.
Basically, space nirvana.
So, in 2024, we became Prismm and the Prismm platform, and by doing so, we ushered in the era of spatial design technology. Our multi-year mission: to transform the way we connect, collaborate, and transact across virtual environments and experiences with technologies that capture the immersive qualities of space, time, and flow.
Combining our years of expertise in event planning and virtual event tools with our intuitive foresight, we’re shaping the future we want to work and live in. By helping businesses of all sorts to better interact with clients and dynamically traverse any environment, anywhere, and anytime, we’re empowering them to bring their visions to life.
Prismm: Here to help you explore the infinite possibilities of space. Engage…